箴言22:6, "Train up a child in the way he should go,鼓励父母以基督为中心来养育孩子,但是如果孩子没有认识基督,会发生什么呢?
Upon reading the book "Operation World,库尔特·伯杰(1990年文学士)痛苦地意识到在世界各地有效传福音的巨大需求. Thus began his transition to becoming a missionary.
出生在金斯顿, 牙买加, to 牙买加n father and English mother, 布雷克 (MA '15) immigrated to the United States to attend college.
Bob Carter
Bob(1982届文学士)和Amy Carter在威克里夫圣经翻译公司工作了36年, and during that time Bob has worked in 15 countries in Africa, 亚洲, 欧洲, the Pacific and the Americas.
Gayla(77届BA), 40年前,出于为墨西哥贫民窟的贫困家庭服务的热情,他们和斯科特·康登(Scott Congdon)创立了Amor Ministries.
When 皮特•康特拉斯 ('88) and his wife, Julie ('90) felt the call to urban ministry, there was no such term as "urban ministry," but New Vision Christian Fellowship, where they have served since 2008, 在圣地亚哥的城市社区建立了一个不同寻常的事工.
Amber负责监督日常运作,并帮助管理定期的法庭听证会, doctor's appointments, 治疗, dentist appointments, 家庭访问, 活动, and special outings for the ten children that are living at H.O.M.E.
Scott began his career in ministry at a mega-church in Plymouth, Michigan. 他在那里担任了八年的各种牧师职务,直到他感到被召唤去尼加拉瓜.
“我长大的地方, 人们普遍怀疑高等教育对基督教信仰的影响. C. S. Lewis convinced me otherwise...我就在这里!"
当Lenae参加Hope时,她对国际任务的热情已经被点燃了. As the daughter of an evangelist, 莱妮在成长过程中见证了上帝在宣教旅途中所行的奇迹,她觉得自己被召唤继续走这条路.
贾斯汀传动装置 (BA '03)在hiu毕业后的欧洲背包旅行中感到了在美国以外服务的召唤. Gearing has since planted a church in Ireland.
基思 & 凯西火腿
In recognition of their outstanding work in the missions field, 基思和凯西火腿在2013年的希望精神名人演唱会上被授予事工奖 & 奖.
HIU Alumna reaches out to the deaf community to share the gospel
也许亨迪迄今为止最有影响力的成就是《胜博发app》(IAAR)。,,它提供了一个战略框架,以个人方式与他人分享福音, and respectful way.
"After receiving my diagnosis, I felt a growing desire for making, 和享受, deep connections with others: my wife and daughter first, then with my close friends and faith community."
卡尔Jernigan自1987年以来一直担任亚利桑那州中央基督教会的工作人员, and has been the Senior Pastor since the beginning of 1999.
At first glance, 克里斯托弗翻领's (MA '94) life seems fairly ordinary. 他爱神,致力于事奉主,是两个充满活力的事工的领导者.
戴尔 & 戴安娜劳伦斯
"I sensed that God was calling my family to begin a new work," recalls 戴尔 Lawrence (FS '77, MA '09). Through prayer and guidance, Arizona Reservation Ministries (ARM) was born."
Patrick and his wife answered the call to serve the community of Windsor, 科罗拉多州, and their church sent them to plant Traverse Christian Church.
Larry and Judy Niemeyer
35年前,拉里(64届文学士)和朱迪(70届文学士)尼迈耶开始了他们的传教服务. 在罗德西亚(现在的津巴布韦)的两年不幸结束,他们于1969年回到美国.
Stephen脑袋 (BA '07, 硕士11年级)在霍普国际大学(HIU)大四前的一个夏天,在肯尼亚的图马尼国际事工(Tumaini International Ministries)实习.
Upon sensing God's call on her life to full-time ministry, 妮可罗文(10届文学士)从肯塔基大学转到HIU,这样她就可以在主修新闻学的同时学习上帝的话语.
HIU's Director of Campus Ministries, 布莱恩金沙 (BA '91), has a deep commitment to mentoring young adults. 在HIU, Bryan负责监督教堂、小组、宣教旅行,并指导胜博发体育app. 在一个典型的工作日,布莱恩经常被胜博发体育app们拜访,与他们聊天、祈祷和讨论问题. In his 6 years at HIU, Sands has led over 30 Amor Ministries outreach trips, serving along HIU students to build homes for families in Mexico.
Elizabeth Shafer (Creech)
性. 这是一个很多人都会回避的话题,但Elizabeth (Creech) Shafer(2004届文学士)不会. 她正在通过“纯粹性”项目来解决青少年性行为和性行为的影响问题.
Jennifer Hope Webster
Jennifer Hope Webster (B.A. 1986年,他是基督教非营利组织“与上帝交谈”的创始人、总裁兼首席执行官.org Ministries, Inc.
Ashley believes that he has become Senior Pastor at an exciting time."People keep indicating downward trends in the church, but the opportunities to transform people's lives are great!艾希礼说。.
Lisa Jernigan and Patty Wyatt
Lisa Jernigan和Patty Wyatt在2000年决定成立一个组织,专注于为教会中她们认为被忽视和未充分利用的群体——女性——服务和赋权.